| | Astronomy:
 | lali | star
|  | fipe | sun
|  | fipuje | hazy sun
|  | kifipihi | shining sun
|  | fapi | moon
| | | Weather:
 | livifipu | weather (image: sun or raining cloud?)
|  | kivihi | flash
|  | livilivi | rain
| | | Geography:
 | fejujepi | lake
|  | fife | water
|  | eja | water surface
|  | ejusi | swamp
|  | api | hill, rounded mountain
|  | aketi | steep mountain with rocky top
| | | Plants:
 | lisisi | plant
|  | lopi | fungus, with stem and cap
|  | hili | grass
|  | enanasi | cactus
|  | lilejasi | palm
|  | lakikiti | fir
|  | lifemeki | broadleaf tree, with leaves
|  | lisani | flower
|  | visejani | orchid
|  | lilifike | tulip
|  | siseni | ear (of grass, cereals)
|  | sihipisi | beet
|  | sinetili | husk
|  | uniti | thorn
| | | Animals:
 | kapi | jellyfish
|  | afipafi | crab
|  | ahikopa | frog
|  | nahipisimi | songbird
|  | sahipu | rat
|  | ovifovena | kangaroo
|  | movenahimi | gazelle
|  | mirovehafi | cow
|  | moviti | horse (stylized)
|  | fokisime | chimpanzee
| | | Man:
 | fela | face
|  | sila | happy
|  | anojela | infant
|  | nenojela | adolescent
|  | ninemipela | adult
|  | nepela | man
|  | nemojela | man (male adult)
|  | ninimimela | mister (shown in suit)
|  | nokipela | woman
|  | nosimila | parent (lower 4 letters = child)
|  | nolimila | teacher (shown declaiming; lower 4 letters = child)
|  | nefakipela | pregnant woman (detect the childs face in the belly)
|  | nokojela | little girl
|  | ulufipa | embryo
|  | ahamesa | Lilliputian
|  | mukukela | invalid
|  | anomola | demonstrant (holding a sign)
|  | relari | captive
|  | rejotari | criminal (see 'brute')
|  | rekitimini | persecutee (politically persecuted man: in the face you can recognize a barrack + fence)
|  | selajopi | soldier (with helmet, in the face a dagger and a shield are hinted)
|  | nehuju | hand (like holding something)
|  | nehurivi | hand, forefinger stretched out
| | | Religion:
 | fifepipi | world
|  | filalipi | eternity
|  | fifelalipi | Buddha
|  | kifelapihi | saint
|  | emilali | enlightened
|  | apiloli | grave (christian)
| | | Clothing:
 | akipe | clothing, garment
|  | ninimima | suit
|  | arimo | shorts
|  | oti | hat
|  | ojemapi | helmet (as used by motorbike drivers)
|  | pile | dress-hanger
|  | kolilohi | coat stand
| | | Houses:
 | faja | nest
|  | akitisi | tent
|  | amoke | little house
|  | ojajoke | log-house
|  | aravuje | factory
| | | Furniture:
 | to | seasaw (a toy)
|  | momo | piece of furniture
|  | moro | little bureau with legs
|  | mamama | shelf
|  | kejo | table
| | | Containers:
 | fo | dish
|  | efo | bowl with foot
|  | efofo | crockery
|  | olifo | glass with short stem
|  | olilifo | glass with long stem
|  | omimikineje | bottle, with cork or screw cap
|  | ehikine | vase
| | | Fire:
 | ahiti | fire
|  | hirikiti | flame
|  | eninesiti | burning candle
| | | Household Appliance:
 | sisilo | corkscrew
|  | sinene | knife
|  | nelisine | fork
|  | fovivi | dipper
|  | lisiho | funnel
|  | haja | filter
|  | omotuvi | hand-mill (e.g. hand coffee grinder)
|  | opejo | scales (modern)
|  | uvikuhi | ventilator
|  | olehipilu | vacuum cleaner
|  | firovipi | padlock
| | | Craft:
 | fivi | hook
|  | sinino | nail
|  | siseno | screw
|  | ejejeno | metal screw
|  | ejejemi | spiralic spring
|  | lilene | screwdriver
|  | tilisi | wrench (a more detailed, but longer word: hipeninefiki)
|  | hipehimimi | pliers
|  | vovi | hammer
|  | omonine | hammer
|  | sihunine | hachet
|  | luvule | drill
| | | Military:
 | sininole | sword
|  | lipiliti | bow + arrow(s)
|  | uvuruvi | machine gun
| | | Traffic:
 | mimi | road
|  | meho | vehicle
|  | fepovela | weelchair patient
|  | fojukiti | sailboat
|  | foholi | sailing ship
|  | folomoli | ship with sqare sails
|  | eloti | airplane
|  | teneti | missile
| | | Mathematics:
 | li | one
|  | ni | two
|  | ri | three
|  | piminili | infinitesimal calculus
| | | Geometry:
 | fipi | circle
|  | fimipi | ellipse
|  | omo | square
|  | omimo | rectangle
|  | okiti | triangle
|  | sihikiti | rhomb
|  | oke | trapezium
|  | ehike | hexagon
|  | olo | double-T
|  | lo | T
|  | loli | cross, symmetrical
|  | sihi | angle
| | | Electric:
 | hahi | elektricity
|  | rifapiri | electric motor (inside armature with winding, outside electromagnets, also with winding)
|  | vuleni | cable with plug
|  | nopili | plug
|  | ale | control (symbol similar to internationally used symbol)
|  | faroluvi | PC-mouse
|  | ofipo | screen
|  | ofipa | television
|  | ojafipa | television set
|  | otomo | computer
|  | rojo | chip
|  | nomomepi | electronic tube
|  | fikeje | electric bulb
|  | ejenineje | fluorescent tube
|  | lilejepi | street lamp
|  | olilisoke | standing lamp (about the height of a man)
|  | olisoke | standing lamp (lower than the word before)
|  | opilili | hanging lamp (ideograms for many forms possible)
|  | okenine | flashlight
|  | opepi | telefone
|  | omolimi | radio
|  | fupiri | radar (at bottom: screen with rotating beam; on top: symbol for radiation, also interpretable as signal lamps etc.)
|  | filivi | to receive (symbolic: something is falling into a dish)
|  | viri | to transmit directional
|  | liri | to transmit
|  | etiliri | transmitter
|  | leri | antenna
|  | foli | dish antenna
|  | okefoli | broadcasting station with dish antenna, e.g. satellite broadcasting station
|  | okefupi | broadcasting station with dish antenna
|  | nemali | robot (~ face with antenna or rectangular figure)
|  | nanomera | robot
|  | kiluru | camera (very old model)
|  | atasa | hologram
|  | fepi | atom (elektrons circle around kernel;similar to ufepi "bubble": also an atom is nearly empty space)
|  | fepifepi | molecule
|  | fepe | hydrogen (has 1 cycling electron)
|  | efepe | Helium (has 2 cycling electrons)
| | | Visual Arts:
 | nelili | paintbrush
|  | vileni | to paint ( ~ moved paintbrush, face)
|  | milani | painting ( ~ moved paintbrush, portrait)
|  | ema | image
|  | ojemajo | portrait
|  | melume | modern; also modern painting style
|  | omelumo | geometric painting
|  | limini | expressionistic
(~ indistinct face or tree, moved paintbrush)
|  | vukuluvi | bizarre
|  | ejeraja | mosaic
|  | vemilame | relief
|  | opifela | bust
|  | omonikela | statue
|  | ojemepi | stone slab with epigraph
|  | mipimipi | romanic; especially 'in romanic architectural style'
|  | riminili | gothic; especially 'in gothic architectural style'
|  | arapafipe | baroque; especially 'in baroque architectural style'
|  | femaki | mask
|  | ejufemaki | carnival
|  | omojera | theater
| | | Music:
 | hilikila | to sing
|  | lifimi | tuning fork
|  | kilelore | music stand
|  | lokine | bell
|  | orohi | drum
|  | enenejene | flute
|  | otililili | fanfare
|  | ufipiso | French horn
|  | mojafo.gif | grand piano
|  | fekihipinene | guitar
|  | fanapile | violine
| | | Unclassified:
 | vama | flag
|  | ejevuju | to signal ( ~ waving arms, flags, left half of speaking face with winking eye)
|  | ejeluju | to inform (see preceding word)
|  | ajalaja | informations ( ~ writing, punch-card, bit-pattern, the hinted face resembles speaking, seeing, hearing)
|  | ojo | layer, stratum
|  | esuni | bye ( ~ raised hand, face)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |