Exercise  phonetic  picture-writing:   Dictionary

works offline too last change: 5.12.2006

After clicking an arrow, you will move to this direction in dictionary.
* After moving the mouse pointer over this word,  a comment to this word is shown.
- Above words  are based on the  15-letters  phonetic picture-writing,  which is described  here.    h  is shortening for  ∫  (=english sh).
- Choosing  a  subject  works only  with  words  sorted  by  subject  (standard)
- The  alphabetic order  of phonetic picture-writing  is very  systematic:  ieaou  jvlnmr  shf  tkp
- The text of the dictionary is in the printable file:  english-lautbildschrift / ueben / lexikon.htm
Show dictionary from word: or from subject: sorted by: