A Phonetic Picture - Writing with 20 Letters last change: 10.3.00 [go back] Here the table of letters, which are increased from 12 to 20; on the right, arranged in the same way, their associated sounds:New are: The triple vertical line r, the wave line q and the double point y. New are also the letters in the 2. column: Besides the broad slash they are the left halves of the signs in the 4. column; thus they are asymmetrical and positioned at the left edge: v is the left half of m, or a left-shifted l. u is the left half of a, or a left-shifted e. So v-l and u-e don't differ in form, but only in their position - see the examples of ideograms below. About the pronunciation: Broad slash: like ch in chair; short slash (rising): like ts in cats; sh: like sh in shoe: wave line: like qu in quick. These 3 combinations of sounds ts, tsch, qu are counted as only 1 consonant each (well pronounced, they are only 1 sound; sh anyway is only 1 sound). Double point y: speak it like u in french 'du' (an i-like sound, not used in English). The system of the alphabet with 12 letters mostly has been conserved: Vowels are flat, consonants high. Humming consonants consist of straight vertical lines. Hissing consonants decline from left to the middle, stopping sounds rise (vice versa was intuitively better). (The sounds ts, tsh, qu are counted as stopping consonants, even though they also have hissing or humming part). So the asymmetrical signs, consisting of 1 straight line each, represent the 4 directions, with wich signs can begin, and simultaneously the 4 sound groups. There surely are better ways to associate these sounds to these signs. But then this extended system was not more compatible to the simple system with only 12 letters. In the moment, we leave it so: when we will change the sounds in future, the ideograms remain, only they will be pronounced differently. Here some words, which show the usability of the letters and the position of the asymmetrical letters:
There are further desirable signs, for example semi-broad bows, at the left or right edge, by which curved and rotation-symmetrical ideograms can be formed:
Also doubled small signs (down left in the picture) or small signs beside a vertical line or between 2 vertical lines would be useful. The problem is: There are not enough well different, well speakable sounds. Up to now, we renounced b, d, g, as these sounds often are pronounced unclearly, when speaking fluently, so that they easily are mistaken for p, t, k (which sound differently in different native languages, and resemble to b, d, g when not spoken aspiratedly). Even the use of h, r, y is a hindrance for the use of the phonetic picture-writing as an auxiliary language (auxlang). (But compared to English, it's easy to speak). But it seems to be better to give some phonetic training to some people than always to handle optically unsatisfactory ideograms. But there is another way to solve the pronunciation problem: One could renounce the problematic sounds and use diphthongs instead, for example st, nt, mp and ei, ai, oi, ui . Then it is advantageous to associate to the often used signs short sounds, to the seldom used sounds diphthongs. But it also makes sense to asso- ciate to the small signs simple sounds, to the composed signs composed sounds. Also a combined letter-/syllable writing is possible. Or one designs a real syllable writing, and so has a clear system. These topics are discussed in the article Kinds of phonetic picture-writings